Saturday, October 6, 2012

Article 1 for Elements of Newsworthy

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hopes that he will be given a strong mandate in the upcoming 13th general election so he can continue to deliver to the people and make Malaysia a fully developed nation by 2020.
Najib, speaking on the CNBC Conversation interview show hosted by renowned anchor Martin Soong aired earlier on Saturday, said the next five years were very crucial for the government to fulfill commitments and promises made by previous leaders of the nation.
"I'd like to have a strong mandate... Because to achieve our vision of a fully developed nation by 2020, the next five years would be very crucial. Crucial, because you're talking about the last lap.
"You're talking about going down the stretch and this is the most critical part because we really have to deliver," he said, responding to a question on how important the upcoming election was for him, and the importance of receiving a fresh mandate to transform Malaysia into a developed country by 2020.
He said the transformation was a firm commitment made by then-prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in the early 90s, with Najib's predecessor Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi implementing part of it.
The Pekan MP said it was now his turn to deliver to the people.
Najib, who is also Finance Minister, also said that achieving sustainable and inclusive economic growth without upsetting the political landscape too much was one the challenges Malaysia faced in becoming a developed nation.
However, he stressed that the key to make Malaysian society more equitable was growth, so that income could be redistributed back to the people.
"Without growth, it will be a lose-lose situation. So if we get five to six per cent within the time frame, then we will able to at the same time, ensure a more fair and equitable distribution of wealth in this country.
In the 30-minute interview, Najib said the move for growth was working and that the numbers were looking more positive in terms of Bumiputera participation.
"But it's not just about the equity numbers. We must also make sure that there is a fair distribution of income between the different levels of income groups in this country," he said. - Bernama

Element of newsworthy : Prominence
Who: Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak

What: Najib hopes for strong mandate in polls
How: Speaking on the CNBC Conversation interview show
Where: Kuala Lumpur
Why: make Malaysia a fully developed nation by 2020

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