Sunday, September 30, 2012

Kidnappers nabbed, RM350,000 ransom recovered

ALOR SETAR: Five men who allegedly kidnapped the teenage son of a skin specialist on Tuesday, spent merely RM300 out of RM350,000 ransom as they were promptly arrested by the police.
Following the release of the 13-year-old schoolboy, the police detained two men here on Thursday night, and the rest at a temple in Sungai Petani, the following night.
Kedah police chief Datuk Ahmad Ibrahim said Sunday, RM349,700 of the ransom ransom was seized from the suspects, including a Myanmar national.
"This indicates that quick action by the police to nab the suspects gave them little time to spend more of the ransom money," he said, adding that the kidnap case was solved within 48 hours.
He said the suspects were remanded to facilitate investigations under Section 3 of the Kidnap Act 1961, which carries the mandatory death sentence upon conviction.
Ahmad said the victim was kidnapped while returning home from a tuition class about 10pm in Jalan Kampung Pisang on Sept 25.
"An hour later, the teenager's family received a call from a man, demanding for RM500,000 ransom to secure his release. Following negotiations, the ransom was reduced to RM350,000," he told reporters here.
He said the next day, the family lodged a police report and paid the ransom.
The teenager was released after the kidnappers took the money. - Bernama
 Five men who allegedly kidnapped the teenage son of a skin specialist. spent merely RM300 out of RM350,000 ransom as they were promptly arrested by the police. The teenager was released after the kidnappers took the money.

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